“Recovery-oriented practices are
based on an appreciation
of each person’s right to determine, to author, his or her own life
[and of] the central role that choice plays in defining who and what we are …"
RTP Project Director Larry Davidson
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What is the PWI program?
The Peer Workforce Investment program aims to bridge the gap between the community and behavioral health by meeting people where they are at through field-based outreach, compassion, and cultural competency. PWI works to bring Peer Support services to those in the community who are in need of such and aid Individuals with Lived Experience from the community into the Peer workforce.
There has been a conscious effort to reach under/un-served populations like the Afghani, Asian, Russian, and AA/African/Black communities in an effort to dismantle mental health inequities and support these communities with resources and linkage to pursue a Peer career if warranted.
From servicing individuals who are unhoused, supporting persons with Lived Experience with Peer certification, to collaborating with local community-based organizations and services to inform them on the growing field of Peer work, PWI meets the needs of the community to educate, link, and support expanding the Peer professional in Behavioral Health.
The staff conduct outreach, networking, research, community collaboration, and educational engagement both to meet contractual obligations but also, engaging in the “whatever it takes” philosophy to reach those are marginalized, disenfranchised, minimalized, generalized, categorized, and criminalized.
This program is funded by the Advocates for Human Potential Project